Raag Sorath

SGGS Ji Ang 659 – Bhagat Ravidas Ji

The word for shoes or footwear in Punjabi is “jutti.”  In Lahindi Punjabi the word used is “schittar.”
The word chappal is of modern usage.

In Sadh Bhasha, the word used is “panhi” or “panhia.”

It is a muhavra used with various modifications all over India to say,
“tere juttian pehngiya” or “tere schittar pehnge.”

To be beaten with shoes or slippers is a terrible insult and is used on someone whose conduct has been despicable.

In Asa Ki Vaar, Guru Ji says one who uses insipid (tasteless, rude) language is a murakh, and will receive beatings with shoes.

“Fikka murakh aakhiye paana leh sajaaiye.” (Ang 473).

At Angg 149, Guru Ji describes the conduct of a manmukh. If his conduct is forgiven, he will be saved. If not, he will face kicks and be beaten with shoes.

“Nanak Bakshe bakshiye nahi ta paahi paahe.”

With that background we look at Bhagat Ravidas Ji’s amazing Shabad. It is short but captures the Essence of Gurbani Teachings.

Bhagat Ji was a Chamar, a cobbler. People go to cobblers to mend shoes and to patch up torn footwear. Using the imagery of binding torn shoes, Bhagat Ji says mortals tie themselves up in all kinds of bondages.

However, I have been saved from such bondages.
“Chamrata gaanth na janneyi.”

Mortals come to bind their worn out shoes. (Bhagat Ji means mortals end up tying themselves in knots, only to be beaten by shoes).
“Logh ganthave panhi.”

Bhagat Ji says in my life I do not use any awl. (sharp instrument used to make holes in leather). My inner being is not full of holes and does not require any patches (topa in Punjabi).

“Aar nahi jeh topho.”

Neither do I use any sharp knife to cut away worn leather to put a patch there. (I have no sinful conduct to cover up).
“Nahi raambhi thaoo ropho.”

Humans tie themselves in all kinds of karmic knots and ruin themselves.
“Logh ganth ganth khara bighucha.”

Free from all (knots) bondages, I met the Lord.
“Hao bin gaanthe jaaye pahucha.”

In the final two lines Bhagat Ji tells us how He was saved.
“Ravidas jappe Raam Nama; mohe jamm seyo nahi kaama.”

Shabad Veechar by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji.

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube.

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