Sanggat Ji.
On 24th October 2022, Paath da Bhog was done for 3 Sahaj Paaths which had been read in the three Paath groups (Parchar/Sunday/Gurmat). These watsapp Paath groups had been set up by the Sanggat who regularly attended the Shabad Vichaar on Mondays held at Parliament gurdwara.
This Paath da Bhog was done in Sanggat and ardas was done for closure of all Paaths in the three groups.
This brings to an end the larhivaar Paaths which were read by Sanggat all over the globe. In my estimate, a few hundred Sahaj Paaths would have been read over the years.
The Bhog Hukamnama granted by Satguru Ji appears at SGGS Angg 779-780, Suhi M.5.
Guru Ji’s Hukam is a Shantt and it applies to all who read the Paaths, who did sewa in any way to make the Paaths possible, and also to the Sanggat which was present during the Arambh and Bhog of these Sahaj Paaths over the years.
The Shantt has 4 padas. It is expressed by a jeev isteri (we are all jeev isteris of the One Husband Lord within us. – “eis jagg me Purakh Eik hor saggli naar sabaiyee.”- Ang 591).
In the 1st pada she says “Lord, You are my Loving Master. There are so many servants like me
“Tu Thakuro Bairragrho mai jehi ghan cheri Raam.”
She Praises Him and pleads for “sa matt dijjay aath pahar Tudh dhiaiyee.”
He replies – do not be arrogant, be humble and you can be saved.
“Garab na kijjai rein hovijay ta gatt jiarey teri.”
So the first message is all sewaks who took part in the Sahaj Paath sewa in any form, should remove their egos and be humble.
In the 2nd pada she acknowledges His Sovereignty and Greatness. She further expresses how tiny she is compared to His Majesty.
“Tum vadde vadde vadh uche hao eitneek lahoria Raam.”
She pleads for His “amrit dhrist” and the Guru concludes by telling her He is contained in all and does as He Pleases.
“Nanak Thakur sarab samaana Aapan Bhavan Kariya.”
Here, Guru Ji has told all sewaks to strive for God’s Grace, but be reminded that He is totally Independent and Grants Grace in His Absolute Will. We can never demand for Grace.
In the 3rd pada, the jeev isteri (i.e. all of us) says, You are my only Strength, I take Pride in You.
“Tujh upar mera hai maana Tu hai mera taana Raam”.
The pada concludes with a declaration, Lord, You alone are Nanak’s Support and Pride.
“Nanak ki Dhar Tu hai Thakur Tu Nanak ka maana.”
In this pada, Guru Ji has clearly told all sewaks that we should have our tek only in One God and place no reliance on deras, babas, sianas or others. If we do so we become manmukhs, and Guru Ji says “manmukh bhuli bahuti rahi faathi maya phaande.”
The 4th pada tells all sewaks what we can all achieve with His Grace. Expressed in the present tense, the jeev isteri is grateful He has torn away the veil of doubt. “…. bhram parda khola Raam.”
Darkness is eliminated and she is enlightened. Her vices are gone and she is in love with the Lord “mittay andharay tajjay bikkarey Thakur seyo mann maana.”
The Lord is Pleased with her and her life is fulfilled and approved.
“Prabh Ji bhaani bhei nikaani saffal janam parvaana.”
In the final, 4th pada, Guru Ji says all sewaks should drench themselves further with Naam, be Pleasing to the Lord, and strive to attract His Grace in the Guru’s Sharan.
Manjeet Singh.
Ang 591, 779, 780
Reference: Sahaj Path guidelines (