Raag Tukhari
SGGS Ji Ang 1114 (M.4.)
This is the final pada (4th) of this Shantt in Raag Tukhari. The Shantt is by Guru Ramdas Ji. (SGGS Ji Ang 1114).
The Shantt records the journey of the jeev isteri before Merger with her Beloved.
The 1st line of the 1st pada starts with a question. I have Love for my Beloved, how can I ever live without Him?
“Antar Piri Pyar kyo Pir bin jiviye. ”
In the 2nd pada, she says she sees some flashes of Him sometimes and she lovingly chants His Praises.
“Jab dekha Pir Pyara Har Gunn rass rava Raam.”
In the 3rd pada, the plea by the jeev isteri is full of humility. She says I am a mere dense stone please put me in the Boat of the Guru’s Shabad and ferry me across. (So I can see my Beloved, who resides on the other shore).
“Ham pathar Gur naav bhikh bhavjal taariye Raam.”
In the 4th pada, she exclaims she was iron like and has now been transformed into precious gold by the Guru.
“Gur Paras ham loh mil kanchan hoyia Raam.”
My light has been blended with the Lord’s Divine Light and my body fortress has been rendered beautiful.
“Joti Jote milaiye kaiyan garh sohiya Raam.”
I am fascinated by Him and my body is now so beauteous. How could I ever forget Him during a single breath or whilst consuming a morsel of food?
“Kaiyan garh sohiya mere Prabh mohiya kyo saas giraas visaariye.”
I have gripped tight to the Unseen and Unfathomable Lord through the Guru’s Shabad, and am always beholden to my Guru.
“Adhrist Agochar pakrhiya Gur Shabadi hao Satgur ke balihariye.”
I am able to place my head as an offering (total surrender) to my Guru only if it so Pleases Him.
“Satgur aage sees bhet deho je Satgur Sache bhaave.”
It was the Mercy of the Lord that He embraced me (blended me with Himself).
“Aape Dya karho Prabh Daate Nanak ankk samaavhe.”
Shabad Veechar by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji
Shabad Kirtan Available on YouTube.