Bhagat Namdayv Ji in Raag Malar SGGS Ang 1292-1298 talks about the greatness of God’s palace, followed by Bhagat Ravidas Ji’s Shabad, which is about the greatness of God’s saints.
The session follows into Raag Kanrah, which is the 28th raag of 31 raags in SGGS. It is best sung at night from 9pm to midnight. It gives us bhagti bee raas and bravery. Enlightenment together with bravery  will not make you do foolish things, veechar by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji on Monday at Parliament Gurdwara, 7th August, 2017.
Ang 1292, 1293, 1294, 1295, 1296, 1297, 1298

Raag Kanrah