There is a lot of repetition in Raag Kanrah and it is on purpose. The first Shabad of Raag Kanrah SGGS Ang 1305-1312 speaks about a Sikh who has been saved, the Sikh is recounting how he got Gurparsad, and God was constantly gracious. In the subsequent Shabad, Guru Arjan Dev Ji says it is important to purge your pride and self-conceit. There are also five Shabads about yearning for God, and the chantts are about the transformation of a Sikh through all the different avastas, veechar by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji at Parliament Gurdwara on Monday, 21st August, 2017.

Ang 1305, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1311

Raag Kanrah