Kanrah Ki Vaar is the last vaar of the 22 vaars in SGGS, and is from Ang 1312 to 1318 by Guru Ramdas Ji. There is a lot of repetition in the vaar, and the repetition is on purpose. There are three parts to this Vaar – the first 5 pauris says the true treasure is Naam. From pauri 6-10, God is unfathomable and beyond your logic, but through Naam and love, you can meet Him. Pauris  11-16 talks about an internal journey to God. Guru Ji also says we need to address God in utter humility, He is the real Enlightener, and we must ask to meet our Guru, shares Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji on Monday, 28th August, 2017 at Parliament Gurdwara.

Ang 1312, 1313, 1314, 1315, 1316, 1317, 1318

Raag Kanrah