In the first Shabad in this series of Raag Assa SGGS Ang 355-356 Guru Ji talks about how we must conduct our life, continuously remember our Lord Master, pray to seek forgiveness and the qualities of doing bhagti. Katha by Bhai Jasswant Singh Ji on Sunday, February 9th, 2020 at Damansara Darbar.

Ang 355, 356

Raag Assa

Sidh Gosht is Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s bani starting from SGGS Ang 938. It is a very mystical bani where it involves dialogues between Guru Ji, sidhs and yogi’s. Veechar by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji at Kelana Jaya on Monday, 06 October 2014

Ang 938

Sidh Gosht