Shabad Veechar of Raag Assa SGGS Ji Ang 434-438 by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji at Damansara Darbar on Sunday, 22 October 2023.
Ang 434, 435, 436, 437, 438
Patti Likhi concludes at Angg 434 and is followed by Guru Amardas Ji’s Patti from Angg 434 till Angg 435.
Although this Bani has only 18 padas, all 35 letters of the Gurmukhi Alphabet are found in this Bani, too.
Guru Amardas Ji uses the language of commerce, prevalent amongst traders at that time. They used terms normally employed by Book Keepers and Accountants, to recored entries in their ledgers and maintained their accounts, profits, losses, list of debtors, and other information relating to their business transactions.
Guru Ji uses such terms to remind man about his lekhas (accounts) which he will have to render if he does not wipe out such lekhas by Naam and Gur Parsad.
The Patti Likhi of Guru Nanak Dev Ji is addressed to the Sikh as a young student. The student is repeatedly told to Sing Praises of God.
The Patti of Guru Amardas Ji, however, is addressed to the Pandit, the teacher. A wise teacher must ensure that he does not educate his students to get entangled in maya and worldly bondages.
The Shabad Vichaar is also on Shantts by Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Guru Ji has 5 Shantts which extend till Angg 439.
In the 1st Shantt at Angg 435, a jeev isteri Sings Praises of her Husband Lord. She has been blessed with Union and she joyfully describes her blessed state (avastha).
In the 1st pada, the “mundh” (beautiful jeev isteri), says she was blessed to have His Darshan.
In the 2nd pada, she states that she set out on the journey with love, and as she constantly cried out to Him “Prio Prio” (Dear Beloved, my Beloved), her mind was drenched with the Lord’s Sublime Essence.
In pada 3, she Sings of God’s Joyful Nature. He Sports with all. Only His Grace can result in Union.
In pada 4, she describes the state of Union. It is a Blessed State, and the Lord Master is now her Eternal Friend.