Bhagat Kabeer Ji is at SGGS Ang 1349-1350 in Raag Parbhati and continues with Bhagat Naamdavy Ji’s bani Ang 1350-1351.
Bhagat Kabeer says that all of us come from one source and therefore we should not judge others. Veechar by Bhai Manjeet Singh at Sabha House on Thursday, 03 March 2016 15:00:112024-10-28 13:42:45Narrative and Bani of Bhagat Ravidas Ji 00:00:282017-01-11 08:50:46Bibhaas Parbhati Banee Bhagat Kabeer Ji & Bhagat Naamdayv Ji - Ang 1349-1351 00:00:112017-01-11 08:51:44Bhagat Naamdayv Bani in Raag Bhairo - Ang 1166-1167 & Bhagat Kabeer Ji bani in Basant Banee Bhagat Kee - Ang 1193-1194 00:00:092017-01-14 12:28:38Raag Kedhara – Ang 1123-1124 and 1157 00:00:522017-01-11 08:52:55Bhagat Bani – Ang 972-974 – bani of Bhagat Namdayv, Bhagat Ravidass and Bhagat Baynee Ji