The first Shahad of Raag Gauree SGGS Ang 212-215 speaks of the praises of the All Pervading Lord God. Guru Ji says we must do satsangat to remove our ego. God is precious, One who fulfills all our wishes. Every day when you don’t remember God it is a wasted day. Life on earth is  precious so spent it by remembering Him. Always remember God with love. Very few are able to removed greed and maya within us. Meeting Guru Ji internally and connecting with Guru Ji with our sorath will transforms us. When you merge with the  Guru’s Shabad you will get internal peace. Being in God’s sharan leads us to salvation of our bondage and we are saved only in the sanctuary of God. Veechar by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji on  Thursday, November 22nd, 2018 at Damansara Darbar.

Ang 212, 213, 214, 215

Raag Gauree