Guru Amardas Ji in the first Shabad of Raag Malaar SGGS Ang 1257-1266 says every aspect of creation in form is driven by the Formless One, and creation is made of shiv (jyot) and shakti (matter). In the next Shabad, Guru Ji says that we must accept God’s Hukam and His pana to get true internal peace. There is no other way to cut hormea other than with Guru’s Shabad. This series also includes nine Shabads of Guru Ramdas Ji, and Guru Ji starts by saying that prayer to God is of utmost importance, those who do not, suffer terrible consequences, veechar by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji at Parliament Gurdwara on Monday, 10th July, 2017.

Ang 1257, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1261, 1262, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1266

Raag Malaar