Guru Arjun Dev Ji in the first Shabad of Raag Malaar SGGS Ang 1267-1269 says that no matter how powerful you may be, if you have no Guru, all the powers is of no use. In other Shabads in this series, Guru Ji speaks about praise of SatGuru Ji, plea for union with God-Guru Ji and it can only happen if you take the Sharan of  Guru Ji. In other Shabads, it is beanti by a Sikh for kirpa of blessings, as you pray to God, He removes praise and your enemies; and Guru Ji talks about God-Guru’s moorat, Veechar by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji at Titiwangsa on Sunday, April 22nd, 2018.

Ang 1267, 1268, 1269

Raag Malaar