Guru Nanak Dev Ji talks about the aspect of creation, it is driven by the Formless One. All creation is made of shiv (jyot) and shakti (matter). When all matter rely on the jyot then one can become jivan mukth. That is also when the mand totally resides in the joyt. In other Shabads of Raag Malaar SGGS Ang 1257-1260, Guru Ji says we must accept God’s Hukam/pana and only then we can get peace. When on the spiritual path, His grace is of utmost importance. We have to attract His grace and that will change us, shares Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji at Titiwangsa on Sunday, April 1, 2018.

Ang 1257, 1258, 1259, 1260

Raag Malaar