The first Shabad in this series of Shabads at Raag Gauree SGGS Ang 208-212 is a plead to SatGuru Ji. In the subsequent Shabad, a Sikh who has got enlightenment, expresses his journey as to how he was united with Guru Ji. In other Shabads,  Guru Arjun Dev Ji says we must take God’s sharan and recite His name. Advice from Guru Ji is to never forsake Him. He is the giver of all peace and He is everywhere. Material things don’t give true peace, real happiness comes via internal peace. Guru Ji is boat to carry us across and sewa of Guru Ji is the same as sewa of God. In satsangat, your get to raise your spirituality. Veechar by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji on Thursday, November 15th, 2018 at Damansara Darbar.

Ang 208, 209, 210, 211, 212

Raag Gauree