In the first shabad Guru Nanak Dev Ji asks the pandits, why should I bathe in tirath, when the tirath is within me, veechar by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji on Monday at Parliament Gurdwara, 14thMarch, 2016. Raag Dhanasree SGGS Ang 687-695 also includes Banis of Guru Ramdas Ji, Guru Arjan Dev Ji, Bhagat Kabeer Ji, Bhagat Namdayv Ji, Bhagat Peepa Ji, Bhagat Sri Sain Ji, Bhagat Dhanna Ji and Bhagat Trilochan Ji.

Ang 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695

Raag Dhanasree