All the Banis in Gatha-Punhay-Chaubole SGGS Ang 1360-1367 has no Rahau and central theme, it tells us about God’s messages. Gatha tells us about the aspects of God’s Hukam and in Funhay, the Bani tells us that God writes our destiny on our forehead. As  jiv isteri’s, how can we become fortunate to get His darshan. Chaubole tells us that we would be miserable if we lose God, veechar by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji on Monday, 16th October, 2017 at Parliament Gurdwara.

Ang 1360, 1361, 1362, 1363 1364, 1365, 1366, 1367

Gatha-Funhay-Chaubole-Shalok Bhagat Kabeer Ji